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Cyanobacteria: A Deadly Threat To Dogs

June 1, 2024

You may have heard of a hidden threat that exists in many lakes and ponds. Cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, is a form of bacteria that flourishes in warm water. It emits a toxic substance which can potentially be fatal to both humans and animals. This is something all pet owners should be aware of, but it’s especially important for those who take their dogs swimming in freshwater. Continue reading to learn more about this hazardous algae from a local Ledgeview, WI veterinarian.

Cyanobacteria: What Is It?

Most commonly seen in shallow lakes and ponds; this species of algae is especially harmful because it produces a unique type of poison. Blooms can occur if the average water temperature exceeds 75 degrees Fahrenheit, which is when many bodies of water are most nutrient-dense. That means that the peak of the summer months, particularly during and immediately following the dog days of summer, are especially perilous. When the conditions are ideal, blooms can expand rapidly.

How Deadly is Cyanobacteria?

Blue-green algae is extremely toxic to humans and pets. Exposure may cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, eye and throat irritation, and respiratory discomfort. It may also result in major brain issues and/or liver failure. Large concentrations of algae can be lethal if exposed or ingested. Unfortunately, no antidote exists.

Dogs and animals are particularly vulnerable because they don’t know any better than to drink the water and can consume a large amount before you can stop them.

Is it Ever Safe to Swim in Cyanobacteria?

Absolutely not. Part of the problem here is that blooms may be present but undetectable. Even if a lake or pond appears safe, do some research and consult with local resources. Stick to areas that have been cleared for swimming.

What Else Should I Do to Keep Fido Safe at the Lake?

Cyanobacteria is not the only potential threat to lakes. Swimming can be a lot of fun for Fido, but it can also be very dangerous. Some dogs aren’t made out for this. If your dog is brachycephalic or has movement limitations, he will do better splashing around in a kiddie pool. Very small dogs are also dangerous in the water because they can get above their heads in just a few inches. If you’re unsure whether swimming is appropriate for your dog, see your Ledgeview, WI veterinarian.

If your canine companion doesn’t know how to swim, take the time to teach him. Never throw a puppy into the water and hope for the best. Encourage him as he learns by offering praise and comments.

However, it’s also critical to keep a watchful eye on Fido while he’s in the water. Never leave your furry friend unattended near the water. You should avoid taking him anywhere with blue-green algae blooms, as well as places with steep drops, large wakes, or strong currents. Red tides are also a risk for anybody going to the beach this summer.

Your canine companion should also understand basic obedience instructions like Sit, Stay, and Come. This is critical because it prevents your dog from accessing a potentially unsafe place. If you’re taking your dog to the pool, take the time to show him where the stairs are.

Finally, do not allow your dog to drink water from lakes, ponds, or puddles. In addition to the risk of cyanobacteria, Fido may develop parasites like Giardia.

How Do I Know If Cyanobacteria Are Present?

Blue-green algal blooms are typically easy to identify and smell. Cyanobacteria is known as blue-green algae for a good reason. The blossoms frequently resemble pea soup or green paint. They also frequently produce a smelly, marshy stench.

However, you cannot judge someone solely on their appearance. Smaller blooms may not be visible to the naked eye.

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Exposure in Dogs?

It is always vital to keep a close eye on your furry friend and look for signs that something is wrong. In this situation, watch for symptoms such as panting, respiratory issues, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness/disorientation, and excessive drooling. Seizures are another warning sign. If you observe any of these in your canine companion, contact your veterinarian or an urgent care pet facility immediately.

As previously stated, there is no antidote. However, appropriate supportive care can make a significant difference. Contact your Ledgeview, WI veterinarian for further information.

How Does Cyanobacteria Make You Sick?

Drinking contaminated water is perhaps the most common way dogs get sick, but it isn’t the only one. Toxins can also be ingested by humans and pets through the skin or by inhaling water droplets or mist. That implies you can get contaminated while tubing, water skiing, swimming, floating, or boating.

Of course, dogs often enjoy splashing around. Pets can become ill after being immersed in water. Additionally, they might lick the cyanobacteria off their fur later on.

What Should I Do If My Pet Comes into Contact with Cyanobacteria?

The first step should be to thoroughly wash Fido. We strongly recommend calling your veterinarian as well. You might have to play the waiting game while you wait for possible signs to appear.

However, regardless of whether Fido swims in a pool, lake, or beach, we always recommend cleaning him off afterward. It is constantly vital to remove sand, salt, and/or chemicals from his fur and skin.

How Long Does a Cyanobacteria Bloom Last?

Individual flowers survive for a week or two. However, when the conditions are right, they can be quickly replaced by another. For practical reasons, lakes might remain poisoned for weeks or months. This often occurs between mid-to-late summer and early autumn.

Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Cyanobacteria By Boiling Water?

No. This is essential to understand if you enjoy camping with Fido and frequently boil water from lakes or ponds. Boiling may destroy live bacteria and microorganisms, but it does not eliminate cyanobacterial toxins.

How Do I Know If a Lake Or Pond Is Safe for Fido?

If you smell a swamp odor or see the telltale green scum, you should assume the lake is dangerous. However, as previously stated, you may not see the bloom. Look for public signs: many local governments will publish notices once blooms are confirmed.

You can also refer to the HAB (Harmful Algae Blooms) map, which can be found here. This website gives updates on blue-green algae blooms in all states.

Conclusion: Blue-green algae, often known as cyanobacteria, are harmful algae that bloom in many lakes and ponds during the summer. It is particularly harmful to pets and animals. In fact, exposure can be lethal to our canine companions. Pet owners must be aware of the dangers and understand how to spot and avoid blooms.

Schedule An Appointment At Your Ledgeview, WI Pet Hospital

Is your canine companion due for a checkup? Is Fido required to come in for wellness care, vaccinations, or parasite control? Please feel free to contact us at your local Ledgeview, WI animal clinic, at any time.

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