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National Mutt Day Is December 2nd 

December 1, 2022
If you’ve been wondering when to celebrate the best day of the year, we have great news: it’s December 2nd – National Mutt Day! This special day was created in honor of all those wonderful mutts out there who make our lives better every single day. Read on as a local vet talks about National Mutt Day and why mutts make great pets.

All Dogs Deserve Homes

Every dog deserves a home, no matter their background. Dogs are not disposable, and they don’t deserve to be left in shelters. No animal should be treated with disrespect, and compassion is the key to creating a happy, healthy relationship between you and your new canine companion. Whether you work full-time or stay at home with your kids all day long, owning a dog will enrich your life in so many ways—and having a furry friend around can help relieve stress and anxiety when things get tough. So now we ask: Why wait? Go adopt one today!

Concerns About Adopting a Shelter Mutt

One big reason for this special day is the fact that animal shelters are filled with mutts. They’re the ones who haven’t been adopted since you started looking at pets online, and maybe you feel terrible for passing them by each day. You want to help, but what would a dog like that be like in your home? What if they had problems or were too skittish to socialize? But if all goes well (and it usually does), then your family has gained a new member for life—a loyal best friend.

Mutts Are the Best!

You may think that mutts are less cute and cuddly than purebreds, but you’d be wrong! Mutts have just as much personality to offer their owners. And here are a few other special qualities that mutts have:
  • A mutt is more likely to be a good fit for your family than a purebred because they don’t come with all the baggage that comes with being bred by humans (so they don’t suffer from any behavioral issues)
  • Mixed breeds tend to live longer than purebreds because they’re typically healthier and more resilient
  • They’re also more likely to thrive in different environments—they’re not as sensitive to heat/cold
  • They typically don’t require special diets
  • Their fur coats tend to require less grooming than pedigreed dogs
If you’re looking for a dog, consider adopting a mutt! These dogs are great and deserve homes just like any other dog. Please feel free to call us, your local vet, if you have more questions about adoptions or wish to adopt a new furry family member right now!  

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